
Timeline 3d printing
Timeline 3d printing

timeline 3d printing

There will be some pretty bumping years ahead though for patent holders.Ģ022: Multi-material printers are becoming all the rage. Eventually new markets will be put into place, and just like we have come up with solutions for filesharing, via itunes, and Netflix, we will have a solution for model sharing. If you thought music and video pirating was a major hurtle, wait until you have 3D model pirating. Printers that cost $15,000-$40,000 today will be affordable for most of the public, while also producing stronger, products faster.Ģ020: The US Government passes sweeping patent reforms to account for the sharing of 3D Models which are used to print out objects. It will be 3-4 more years before these are able to be transplanted into humans, changing the landscape of organ transplantation forever.Ģ019: Nearly Every High School in America has a 3D Printer or multiples in it, with classes based on the technologyĢ020: Metal extruding 3D Printers are becoming cheaper and much more common in households. Nearly every fortune 500 manufacturing company is using a 3D Printer in one way or another.Ģ018: Filaments, especially the plastics have dropped in price close to 75% as competition heats up.Ģ019: The First 3D Printed Human Liver has been produced. Robots and 3D Printers are taking over repetitive manufacturing jobs. 90% of the population will know what a 3D Printer is, and Sales of consumer oriented printers will have increase 8-10 times since 2013Ģ017: The first fully functioning 3D Printed Mouse liver will have been produced.Ģ017: Gartner has estimated that the 3D Printing market will have grown close to 2000% by now.Ģ018: The manufacturing landscape of the United States, Europe, and most of Asia has changed dramatically. Sales of 3d printed human cells for testing are skyrocketing.Ģ016: 3D Printers enter the mainstream. Consumer printers sold will increase by 55% over the previous yearĢ014: Expiration of Key 3D Printer Patents will open up the industry to competition, decreasing prices dramatically, especially for top end machines.Ģ015: Organova has changed the way drug discovery and testing is done. Some of the predictions later on may seem a bit crazy, but I truly believe they will come to fruitation within +/- 5 year's time:Ģ014: The 3D Printing Market will continue to expand. I have put together a somewhat detailed timeline of where the 3D Industry is likely headed over the next 30 years. Hull coined the term “stereolithography” and patented the technology in 1984, then founded 3D Systems to commercialize it, releasing the SLA-1 machine in 1987.I do a lot of research about market conditions and consider myself a futurist.

timeline 3d printing timeline 3d printing

Hideo Kodama and French inventors Alain Le Mehaute, Olivier de Witte and Jean Claude André, Charles (Chuck) W. Stereolithography /sterē-ōliˈTHäɡrəfē/: a 3D printing process by which a laser cures a liquid photopolymer resin to form a three-dimensional object from a digital file.Īmidst similar emerging inventions from Japanese researcher Dr.

timeline 3d printing

While fused deposition modeling (FDM), where melted plastic is extruded from a nozzle to form a part, is probably the best known 3D printing process today, SLA was the first method invented. We're celebrating 25 million successful parts printed on our desktop stereolithography 3D printer, the Form 2! Learn more about reliable, intuitive 3D printing at a fraction of the cost and footprint of industrial 3D printers. In this post, we’ll explore the origins of SLA, some key points in its evolution, and the current status of this technology, with some archival videos along the way. But what does this all mean for where stereolithography (SLA) is now, and where this technology (and 3D printing more generally) is going? In our guide to stereolithography, we cover a brief history of the process, as well as an in-depth look at how this 3D printing method works.

Timeline 3d printing